As senior Heiko Schultz departs his life as a Panther, he becomes a Stag at Claremont McKenna College this upcoming school year. Schultz’s prowess as a soccer player and his academic excellence did not go unnoticed, as this fall he will be playing for the college’s Division III soccer team. Although we didn’t get to see much of Schultz’s action on the Poly field, his dedication to his off-campus team, the LA Surf Soccer Club, helped him gain the skills he’ll need at Claremont McKenna. Schultz is poised to contribute significantly to the soccer team while continuing to excel academically and grow as an athlete. His recruitment reflects his athletic ability and heralds a bright future where he will undoubtedly continue to inspire and lead both on and off the field. As Schultz begins a promising new chapter in his life, we can’t dominate the field at CMC next year. We wish Schultz the best on the rest of his athletic and academic journey!