Lyla Pak
Aquarius season started on Jan. 20. Now until Feb. 18 is your time to shine, Aquarius, as the sun rests in your sign. At this moment, you are truly in your element. Take advantage of this new energy—it won’t last all year. Allow yourself to be more receptive to new ideas and hobbies. By being more open, you may stumble upon a new passion. Try hot yoga, gua-sha and long walks alone. Talk to someone new. People may surprise you.
Taurus, now is the time to stand on business. Continue the projects you started in 2023. As Mars in Capricorn ignites your drive, you will feel empowered to finesse your goals. At the same time, remember not to bite off more than you can chew. Break down long-term plans into small, achievable targets. Get realistic with the progress you have made and how to improve.
Cancer, you may feel pressure to keep up appearances as we start the new year. Remember, perfection isn’t everything. You may feel old grief interrupting your daily flow. Rather than shove it down to keep face, allow yourself to be vulnerable. Express your emotions to the people around you. Have a heart-to-heart on a coffee date. Wail-cry to your sad song playlist with your bestie. You deserve to be kind to yourself.
Leo the Lion, while you love the spotlight, the beginning of 2024 will force you to take a step back and focus on individual relationships. If the end of 2023 caused strain on any friendships, now is the time to send a “let’s catch up!” text. Tend to the relationships around you to form stable dynamics for the rest of the year. After all, even lions need their tribe.
As the planet of communication shifts into Capricorn, your home-life takes center stage. You will be forced to ask yourself: how are things looking at home? Perhaps the bustle of the holiday season prevented you from checking in on yourself and those closest to you. Focus on these areas of improvement, and create the momentum you need to propel your life forward.
As you trudge through the beginning of 2024, be kinder to yourself. Ever an emotional water sign, Pisces feel things deeply. Rather than suppress these feelings, learn to embrace them in every way, shape and form they come in. Now is a good time for you to relax. Create your own space to rest, and maybe even pick up a good book while you’re at it! Enjoy the stillness of life right now. An exciting Pisces season is right around the corner!
Virgo – always meticulous, always hardworking. The current placements of Mercury and Mars in Capricorn will enable these traits to flourish. The new year means new beginnings, and you are ready to take full advantage of this potential. Get specific with the what, when and how of your goals. Set a routine and let the best version of yourself flourish. You got this!
New year, same you! Right now, your ruling planet, Mars, sits in the ambitious sign Capricorn, causing you to desire collaboration to achieve your goals. Connection and friendship are critical to truly make the most out of this time, Aries. Let yourself set new intentions and feel appreciation for the success you achieved in 2023. Maybe pick up a gratitude journal.
Think BIG, Gemini, as you start this new year with a BANG! Last year forced you to change which may have been uncomfortable at times. Use the uncomfortable growing pains of the past year to catapult your plans forward in 2024. Dedicate the first few months of 2024 to honing in on your long-term goals. Right now, planners are your best friend! Dig up your Poly 2023-2024 planner from the bottom of your backpack and lock in.
You are a creative and romantic sign. Learn to lean into these traits over the course of the next few months. Let your free spirit loose, and say “yes!” to spontaneity. Whether it’s a last minute trip to the beach or a visit to your local art gallery, living in the moment will benefit you. Stay present and remember: It’s the little things that count.
The new year invites new opportunities for us to create a routine. While your TikTok “For You Page” fills with self-help journeys and new wellness trends, you may feel unsatisfied with your current life. Remember that social media is not reality. Practice patience and kindness with yourself as you explore flexibility of your schedule.
As the sun moves out of your sign, you may feel your energy dimming into the gray abyss that is January. Although it will take another 11 months to feel the spotlight back on you, you can use this time in the dark to hone your skills and resources. With both Mars and Mercury in your sign, you feel extra motivated to get work done. Your resources, goals and dreams will take center stage during this time of your life. Pull out your journal (or notes app) and get specific about your future.