Megan Lin
What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Mashed potatoes, stuffing, or macaroni and cheese
Pumpkin pie
What is your ideal way to spend Thanksgiving?
Feast with your family
Watch football or a parade from your couch
Vacation away from home
When do you eat your Thanksgiving meal?
What do you do with your leftovers?
Eat them later
Give them away
What leftovers?
When is Thanksgiving over and the winter holidays begin?
The day after Thanksgiving
When school gets out for Winter Break
They’ve already started! Who needs Thanksgiving?
Mostly A:
You are strong-minded and traditional. Make sure to push yourself to try new things sometimes.
Mostly B:
You are joyful and hardworking. Don’t forget to take a break and actually enjoy the holidays.
Mostly C:
You are fun, energetic, and a little silly. Remember to take time to appreciate life’s simple moments.